HomeCategory Business & Commercial Litigation

Texas Federal Court Issues Nationwide Injunction Against the Enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act – What Business Owners Should Know

In a significant legal development, a federal court in Texas has issued a nationwide injunction halting the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). This decision has sparked widespread discussion among business owners and legal professionals, as the CTA’s reporting requirements have been a topic of concern since its inception. Here, our business and commercial...

The EPA Creates New Label Program for Construction Project Materials

The implementation of a more sustainable approach to building that assists builders and purchasers of construction materials in identifying products with lower carbon levels is underway. The EPA’s new Label Program will strive to make buying cleaner products a more straightforward task. This program should help federal and local government entities streamline the process of...

Defending the Insured in Commercial Bus and Trucking Cases

When commercial motor vehicles get into accidents, the damages can be significant. Commercial bus and trucking companies can face expensive compensation claims that insurance companies are asked to pay. Claims costs have been steadily increasing as damage awards in personal injury cases involving commercial motor vehicles continue to rise. Over-inflated damages awards do not promote...

Fifth Circuit Vacates SEC’s Final Rule Requiring Companies to Share Repurchase Data on a Daily Basis – What Business Owners Should Know

In a significant victory for American businesses, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit recently vacated the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) final rule mandating daily disclosure of share repurchase activity. This decision has far-reaching implications for businesses across various industries and underscores the ongoing debate surrounding regulatory requirements and corporate transparency....

FDA Issues Final Guidance on Cosmetic Product Facility Registrations and Product Listings

On December 18, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced new regulations over cosmetic facility registration and cosmetic product listing requirements, adding to the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulations Act of 2022 (MoCRA). Applicable organizations have until July 1, 2024 to determine what actions they must take to be compliant, as that is when...

New Regulatory Developments for Product Manufacturers Whose Products Contain ‘Forever Chemicals’

On December 14, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published its PFAS Strategic Roadmap: Second Annual Progress Report. This report contained information regarding important regulatory actions in chemical manufacturing and consumer product usage. Product manufacturers will want to take note of these important updates to protect themselves from the rapidly expanding class action lawsuits. Fee,...

Texas Data Privacy and Security Act Could Have Major Implications for Many Companies That Do Business in the State

Businesses use personal data to understand consumer needs and develop business strategies. Data privacy and security laws are an attempt to balance the needs of businesses to collect and maintain personal information with the rights of individuals to protect their private data from unauthorized use. While some federal legislation has been passed, the burden still...

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